Sunday, June 30, 2019

Malcolm Gerstein, Sima Jarrot: Frogs Dates.Dickens Worlds :Time to pick up a book, or time to find a movie,

God is never late.Babes, Bacon & Booze,⚡️People don't buy what you sell, they buy what you believe 💫BORN AN OUTLAW.. Ready for the best, that is still on the edge to happening today. Heads up, cheers and chaps, dances in the rain. Simple.VETERANS HELPING VETERANS.
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Free stuff is paid by someone, maybe not you right now but as you prosper in this economy you will stop receiving free stuff and will start paying for other peoples free stuff. Frank Agresti Different day,state, and year, Frogs, Freak, Fools, Heads To Count, Rednecks, Retards,Rejects, Dimes To Drop.Our entry level folks are humans with feelings, be nice, you will feel better.Gregory Agresti..Hanna Agresti 

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing and outdoor
Frank Agresti : Bald and fat, Red Dates, Read and wide, dicks and dawgs, dates with cheap fucks, no cash to spend, no house of his own, back with the kids and their dawgs, circles of rejects from NY. retards and basket cases. Frank Agresti for a free ride, veterans to prey, back in time, birthday present, to kick the dog, free rides to the trash in the apartment roaches in the cracks. No one reality has authority over you. You, after all, are the creator. Dances On Time. Walking on sunshine, dances in the rain, lions, tigers and bears, voices in my head. You Are Enough: Strong, Smart, Tall: Man. Are the one?Remember when? 

Retards, Snakes I need to invest in loyal friends.Kings, sons of knights, leaders of men. Once a snake always a snake, a frog and American Toad. Facing Death in Cambodia -Heads to count, waves to make, cattle calls, bitches in heat, clones, clowns, crooks, cheaters, liars. Documentation Center of Cambodia Kea Khiev: Let’s have some fun, starting NOW!Explain What, Its English Not Stupid, Simple, Slow, Silly, Where Is Your Head. Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys In The News: Jackasses Dated, Or Not. Ready for the best, that is still on the edge to happening today. Heads up, cheers and chaps, dances in the rain. Simple.VETERANS HELPING VETERANS.

Horng-Sheng Mii, Zicheng Peng, Hiroshi Amakawa, George S. Burr, Shih-Yu Lee, Kristine L. DeLong, Henry Elderfield & Chuan-Chou Shen Malcolm Gerstein, Sima Jarrot: Frogs Dates.Dickens Worlds :Time to pick up a book, or time to find a movie,

🕯🌻To Trade, Barter For More: Clowns To Date, Coins To Pay, Hands To Lead, Hand Signs. Glory Dazes To Come: Classes.To Trade, Barter For More: Clowns To Date, Coins To Pay, Hands To Lead, Hand Signs. Esbats, Honoring the Sabbats, rituals etc. Snakes And Frogs, Dicks Out Of The Box, Donkeys To Ride.Faces in the herds, rotten nuts to grow, good time toads, suckers for free, across the nation.

Love conquers all!   I would love to runaway with you and do something we won't forget. Anywhere with you is where I want to be. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, coins, cards, clowns, sons of bitches, sunny and bright, wishes on cash, stars, seasons. Waves to make, horns to blast, dreams and nightmares, crazy for free, cattle calls. Dances Daily: Notes, Stories, Tips: Stars To Shine: 5 Fingers To Hands. With life comes experience.Trips to heaven, trips to hell, angels and shooting stars, do fall down. Trips out of heaven, man and woman, in the beginning, warning of snakes in house. Common Law Enthusiasts , Winners, Losers, Learners, Head Counts.Malcolm Gerstein, Sima Jarrot: Frogs Dates.Dickens Worlds :Time to pick up a book, or time to find a movie,

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