Monday, January 20, 2020

Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.

Blogs, books, battles and wars, wave of words, birds and bees, songs in the wind, easy to write, history online, my views,my experiences, the voices in my head. Need a little help, to take the next step, schools of hard knocks, pages to go. 

Not done yet.Palm Springs.Roads to travel, parts and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride. πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ Sinners And Saints:πŸ˜©πŸ’”..Layers Of Lessons..

Time of our lives are here, the best that we can be, be a honey bee in all things, not a wasp, another for an asshole in the world of bugs. Bugs, bees, butterflies, trips to the woods, the dogwood trees, the woods to grandmother house.
D O N 'T Y O U ( F O R G E T A B O U T M E ) !!!!!text me now women i love to please 909[485]4179. 'Good time toads, faces in the herds, dicks, dawgs, donkeys in the hills of Cali.Sunny and bright. Cheers. Palm Springs, Silent Knights, On The Vines: With Mardi gras And rock and jazz. So la-di-da In search of nazz. A bead of sweat ,Upon the neck. Is that regret Or what the heck?, will have to Pass 
πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ Sinners And Saints:πŸ˜©πŸ’”..Layers Of Lessons..D O N 'T Y O U ( F O R G E T A B O U T M E ) !!!!!text me now women i love to please 909[485]4179. 'Good time toads, faces in the herds, dicks, dawgs, donkeys in the hills of Cali.
Purple Knights. Tips. Time to shine, time to turn lights on, frogs and snakes racing for the darkness. Tricks and trades, movies at home to make, pieces of cake, ice cream to take. Jokes and laughs, dances with wolves and snakes. Blue dreams blowing in winds.Hell Hounds, Dates Gone Mad, Bitches In Heat...Dead Toasts: Witches: Trips To The Outer Limits, Twilight Zones, Funny Faces, Suckers, Fuckers, Haters, Spiders And Snake Dances.Why are Americans hoarding this superfood?Sunny and bright. Cheers. Palm Springs, Silent Knights, On The Vines: With Mardi gras And rock and jazz. So la-di-da In search of nazz. A bead of sweat ,Upon the neck. Is that regret Or what the heck?, will have to Pass 
Image result for Sunny and bright. Cheers.
Men, Mice, Cartoons Tricks, Songs Of Frogs, Spiders And Worms. Horns To Blast. Good time toads, clowns, cows, jokers, jacks and marbles, boys to men, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades. I am white and race is not an issue with me. I prefer someone on the slimmer side but that is not a deal breaker. If you want to talk send me an email back and send a photo and I will send one back.
Love me, Hate me., it really doesn't matter, but what does matter is that u can't ignore me...!! Γ’˜ΒΊ Traveller Γ’›ΒΊ I am Kickass

American Birds, High Times, mountain tops.Top of the mountains, snow on the mountain tops, wings for the birds of a feather, wings of a dove, songs to sing about the winds under the wings of the angels also. Wings to fly away from the dangers, wings to fly away from the freaks out at night. Nuts To Grow, Hogs, Pigs, Cows To Call. Dances . Rotten Apples, Dicks, Dawgs, Jackasses Across The Lines. Men, Mice, Cartoons Tricks, Songs Of Frogs, Spiders And Worms. Horns To Blast.
Image result for Jewish Whale On Land, Sucker For Free, Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Family Affairs. Nuts To Grow. Dances With Wolves.

I'm Cool as Fucc, Funny as hell and ah Go getter. I'm Smart, Caring & Thugged out like ah mf. Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle, frogs, freaks, and fish in the seas, lots of laughs, faces in the herds. Ready To Grow. Eyes Open Right. Causes, seasons, and reasons, to go forward, battles to win, horse and pony shows, searches for a rite knight, to sail and the travel with, games of love. Games of chances, mountains to climb, seas to cross, writing time now.
Image result for Jewish Whale On Land, Sucker For Free, Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Family Affairs. Nuts To Grow. Dances With Wolves.
Wonderful Bless'd...U're slowly easing those numbers up. With this mission accomplished what's next on your agenda Penny Moore. HAPPY B-Day..Causes, seasons, and reasons, to go forward, battles to win, horse and pony shows, searches for a rite knight, to sail and the travel with, games of love. Games of chances, mountains to climb, seas to cross, writing time now.
Image result for wizard of oz, things for sale

🀣🀣🀣🀣Jackasses, in other words, in all shades of people.I wish I lived on a beach 😭😍🌊.Views shared with strangers to friends, woman for man, the shadows in the lights, at the end of the day.I'm just trying to LOOK out ..for my peoples ! 1 TIME IS DEEP!!The Twilight Zone!!!!! I'm out!!! Lmmfao!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

Have a moment or two, to take the time, to continue on, to keep pushing, to grow, expand, and explore, while, there is life, there is hope. Hopes to hang on, dreams of tomorrow, sunny and bright, views on the water, waves from the shore. Holiday specials, the words to use to sell, coins to flip, cons to run, views on the world.Eyes Open Right. Causes, seasons, and reasons, to go forward, battles to win, horse and pony shows, searches for a rite knight, to sail and the travel with, games of love. Games of chances, mountains to climb, seas to cross, writing time now. I am white and race is not an issue with me. I prefer someone on the slimmer side but that is not a deal breaker. If you want to talk send me an email back and send a photo and I will send one back.
Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
I gave my mailman ah $20 tip to find my W2..THANK YOU JESUS! Imma buy me a House, 2 cars, a jet, a chicken sandwich from Popeyes, platinum 4 finger ring, a hospital full of drugs, some latex shoes, nipple ring, a law firm, 3 pr draws, 2 $40 milfs....
Treats, tricks, trades, one eye open, two eyes closes, love and luck, coins to flip, sinners and saints, dances on sands, dances on winds, 
good times. B... - Betty Battles - Google+WTF. why flag? Dating sites suck ,Pomona.I am white and race is not an issue with me. I prefer someone on the slimmer side but that is not a deal breaker. If you want to talk send me an email back and send a photo and I will send one back.
i am a male. Why is so hard to meet a woman these days. The dating sites are awful, craigslist is full of everything I am not looking for. I am not looking to pay a woman to like me or a guy to be my dick. Hopefully a nice woman in the age bracket of 35 -60 is in the same boat.
I am an older man, I have a younger child that I share custody with. I have my life in order and I am ready to be in a positive relationship. I am white and race is not an issue with me. I prefer someone on the slimmer side but that is not a deal breaker. If you want to talk send me an email back and send a photo and I will send one back.

  Within each agency is someone in charge of the list, likely with a support staff person, who may be of service to us. For example, the County Treasurer may be in charge of the overage, and a person within the office may be responsible for maintaining the list.

 Also, lists are maintained by other agencies in charge of monitoring the agency where the funds were created. You may find an agency that is in charge of all agencies' funds, as well.     If you don't know the agency responsible, call and say "I'm interested in some overage funds I may have coming to me - is that something you can help me with, or can you tell me who I need to call for that?"  

   Within each agency is someone in charge of the list, likely with a support staff person, who may be of service to us. For example, the County Treasurer may be in charge of the overage, and a person within the office may be responsible for maintaining the list.      Contact the agency believed to be holding the funds and make a friendly, informal request. Ask for assistance if you need to.  If an informal request fails, make a formal request under the state's Public Records Access statutes.

 This will likely have an immediate effect. Our Fifty State Public Records Access Guide can help you understand what leverage you have to get the list.      

  Note: don't confuse this with the federal law "Freedom of Information Act" - it will likely be called something else by the State. Take a look at the Fifty State Public Records Access Guide for more information.  Start slowly and focus on one agency in one county to start. Begin with the agencies holding the tax sale foreclosure funds first. 

 Consider working a smaller county or agency initially. You want to make all your “beginner mistakes” as far away from the best (largest?) counties as possible.  Don't give up when "push back" happens.    Staffers are trained to act in a way that will make you want to go away. 

 Never give up! It is normal in business to encounter people who are not cooperative and who do not jump to help you. What you are asking for is public record information. If you get a little bit of run-around just be persistent. If you need to push through a request, look in our Public Records Access law book to understand what your rights are. 

Wishing on stars tonight. A wise man hears one word and understands two.Writer.
Classes on love and hate, classes on frogs and snakes online.

Be the only one. Tell a story. Make a difference. Change people.
SUCCESS IS A CHOICE.Wings Of Doves.Who needs you when I have me.

Family and Friends Y'all have a blessed day. Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within. Earth angels, angels in hosts, lights to shine, joy, peace and happiness, hands to hold. Glory dazes to come. 
businessman question

Freaks, frogs, fools, plenty of fish in the seas, ships of dicks on the water, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades, faces in the crowds.Amen. LOVE ONES❤️ HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, LIFT UP AND GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD..

Psst... Wolves are essential. Pass it on 🐺It's COLD outside!Keep warm  It's not easy being a wolf in Montana. And this is God's original plan in our life: love him over all things and love ourselves a lot, unconditionally. PROJECTIONS: American Birds, Hands To Talk, Blame Games, Wishes On Stars, Sons To Shine, Coins To Flip.Who are you?The little things...The little moments...They aren’t little.🌟 It’s a second chance. πŸŒŸπŸ•ŠπŸŒŸI would like to share Universal Principles and The Art of True Light to help. 

Every now and then, I hear talk about a “secret new opportunity” in the business of tax sale overages (aka – “excess proceeds”, “overbids”, “tax sale surpluses”, etc).  If you’re completely unfamiliar with this concept – I’d like to give you a quick overview of what’s going on here…

Call me at 9496895433. It's COLD outside! Keep warm It's not easy being a wolf in Montana. Nor is it easy being one of the many other animals subjected to ruthless trapping.
 Birthdays daily, candles in the wind, hits and misses, Nazi at the tower, Disneyland lights, lessons, tests over time, Nazi in the faces of the works, the crooks, the freaks, the frogs in the lights, hopes and wishes, dances in darkness, dances with rats.“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” ―Thomas Jefferson.

Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.. πŸ’–πŸŸπŸŸ Plenty of fish in the sea .Celine Tam and Shila Amzah - Let It Go.Over the dicks, dawgs, white cows on land, faces in asses, faces in the sands of time.

Schools of hard knocks, long way to go, back to the white sheets, for the KKK, jokes, and laughs. Blacks, Veteran Homeless blues, in all shades of white, pink, read, and brown.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.. πŸ’–πŸŸπŸŸ Plenty of fish in the sea .Celine Tam and Shila Amzah - Let It Go.
 Love and light, smokes and dollars, ways to see the pigs, hogs and land whales, stuck in time, stuck in space, have to get back on track. Best way to see the lights, hopes, wishes and dreams. Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.

News Today, yesterday tales, lots of gloom, how to keep your head down, woman for man, strangers in the night, and in the light of day. Word up, share the decades of lucky breaks, you may have had, or not.
 Every day about survival, my rivals, my gods, man to man, sex up in airs. Moot to date, moot to changes, moot to mountain to climb. The sun will rise , and if we’re wise, we’ll ride until the sun dies!Unbreakable .
Son to shine bright, over the bumps, retired from the rat race, on one hand, witty and wise, ways to stay alive.Joys and pains, men dead, x to leave, x to make a lot of noise, time to flip a coin, frogs and fools, jokes and history online, thanks for the test to show how you failed, failed to learn how to be nice.We live in paradise. 

We live in paradise..Until Tomorrow ⭐️ ⌛️Just remember, I cannot be replaced.Dances in darkness, faces in mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes.. I clearly didn't realize there would be so many people here ,when I came here. Born in San Diego,decades ago, what is up with you dude?
Stand back up. Boys to men, FOREVER HOME: ☀️Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance): History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds. I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains,stranger to friend, friend to family, step by step, way to grow, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards.

Bumps in the road, trips to hell and back, horses to race back home. Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two.Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done.LIFE QUOTES:

Until Tomorrow ⭐️ ⌛️Freaks, Fools, Frogs, Fish, twist and turns, faces in the crowds, ways to grow, coins to flip, schools of hard knocks. Dances in darkness, faces in mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes.

 Every day about survival, my rivals, my gods, man to man, sex up in airs. Moot to date, moot to changes, moot to mountain to climb. The sun will rise , and if we’re wise, we’ll ride until the sun dies!Unbreakable .

I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains,stranger to friend, friend to family, step by step, way to grow, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards.

Just remember, I cannot be replaced. Stats, age, how tall, located where, retired from what, questions between us now. Bumps in the road, trips to hell and back, horses to race back home. Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two.Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done. I just wanna do everything with one person forever ... grow... love.

News Today, yesterday tales, lots of gloom, how to keep your head down, woman for man, strangers in the night, and in the light of day. Word up, share the decades of lucky breaks, you may have had, or not, Son to shine bright, over the bumps, retired from the rat race, on one hand, witty and wise, ways to stay alive.Joys and pains, men dead, x to leave, x to make a lot of noise, time to flip a coin, frogs and fools, jokes and history online, thanks for the test to show how you failed, failed to learn how to be nice.


πŸ‹πŸΌ‍♂️Transform your life! 🧘🏽‍♂️Simple & Symbolic. for Inspiration. Until Tomorrow ⭐️ ⌛️Just remember, I cannot be replaced.Dances in darkness, faces in mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes.Bumps in the road, trips to hell and back, horses to race back home. Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two.Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done. I just wanna do everything with one person forever ... grow... love.

Art for Freedom🎨. Please Join The Revolution of ❤️! Moves to make. #Good-morning lovely Friends Wishing You All Have A Wonderful Joyful Day⚘πŸ’•LOVE YOU ALLπŸ’•⚘Until Tomorrow ⭐️ ⌛️Just remember, I cannot be replaced.Dances in darkness, faces in mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes.Bumps in the road, trips to hell and back, horses to race back home. Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two.Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done. I just wanna do everything with one person forever ... grow... love.

I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains,stranger to friend, friend to family, step by step, way to grow, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards.

 Every day about survival, my rivals, my gods, man to man, sex up in airs. Moot to date, moot to changes, moot to mountain to climb. The sun will rise , and if we’re wise, we’ll ride until the sun dies!Unbreakable .

The little things...The little moments...They aren’t little.🌟 It’s a second chance. πŸŒŸπŸ•ŠπŸŒŸI would like to share Universal Principles and The Art of True Light to help. Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT? Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Mary Willis Amen Amen and Amen Georgia Bradley So TRUE double AMEN Margat Thomas Amen Amen Noelle Harrison Amen!! Zelda Ketchens AMEN Gloria White AmenπŸ‚ πŸ’¦:πŸŽƒ πŸŽƒπŸ΅ πŸ’ͺAdriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks and trades, coins to flip, cards to read. Lessons daily, live and learn, shit and stuff to mental veterans, dances in the dark, dances in rains, dances with the ups and downs. Pages to turn, life goes on, hits and misses, joys and pains, to grow, to learn, to walk away.
  Gifts from angels falls from sky. Earth angels, veterans old and young, prey today, games of cards, with hell to pay.Hail to kings, hell to hounds, hounds in heat, cum suckers.Love and light, smokes and dollars, ways to see the pigs, hogs and land whales, stuck in time, stuck in space, have to get back on track. Best way to see the lights, hopes, wishes and dreams. Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.

THINGS IN COMMON. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions:Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Change is based on the condition that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. - Henry Emerson Watch out what you get for free.
 Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK...Disneyland, Cali Chicks, Babes, Veterans With Skills, Across The Networks.

Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count. Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Just because one person's problem is less traumatic than another's does not mean they are required to hurt less.
 Love and light, smokes and dollars, ways to see the pigs, hogs and land whales, stuck in time, stuck in space, have to get back on track. Best way to see the lights, hopes, wishes and dreams. Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.

 Angels that fall, earth angels that trip, broken wings, unable to fly. Birds and bees, with broken wings can't fly, trips to hell, snakes in dens. Fools and frogs, monkeys in packs, in dogwood trees. Nightmares still alone in the night, nightmares every nite, fat white fags. Jokers and poker players online, crooks and robbers, cum suckers to date.
 Gifts from angels falls from sky. Earth angels, veterans old and young, prey today, games of cards, with hell to pay.Hail to kings, hell to hounds, hounds in heat, cum suckers.

Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK...Disneyland, Cali Chicks, Babes, Veterans With Skills, Across The Networks.Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count. Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Just because one person's problem is less traumatic than another's does not mean they are required to hurt less.

THINGS IN COMMON. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions:Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Change is based on the condition that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. - Henry Emerson Watch out what you get for free.

Gain happiness. After our days are done, the only thing allowed on the other side, is love. Views,values, voices in my head, coins to flip, dances in the morning light. Joy comes in the morning, peace, love, happiness to follow, lucky breaks, and tests over time, daily event, are you a teacher or a student , most of the time. Houses Of May:Asset Finders.

Blood and Bone Full Action Movie ENGLISH, show to watch, joys and pains, life on the street, lions, tigers and bears to fight, good time. Bumps in the road, over time and space, faces in the mirror, faces to changes.

My daddy, the snakes, the worm, the snake in the grass, good times, party all the time, cum for turn on his faces, oral expert, mouth open wide-Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, hell hound, oral expert, to share, to trade, to barter, for cash, day jobs. Nuts on the run, blow jobs, grunts and nuts to go, RV camper for life, tricks and trades to cum, tasteful pleasures, dicks in his mouth, dicks in his ass, glory holes open wide, party and play, games for life, shit in a bag, cheap tricks to pimps.

Tips and tales, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed. Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take.

Image may contain: outdoor and nature, possible text that says 'RELATIONSHIPS ARE ABOUT TRUST. IF YOU HAVE TO PLAY DETECTIVE, THEN IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON.'

Passenger - Let Her Go [Official Video]....American birds, sit and spin, tales in the air. Is this how you think out loud? Creative writing? Poetry?Songs of luck, songs of lovers gone away, songs of the snakes and the frogs, love and life moving forward, turning the pages, writing books, tales of animals under the skin.Tricks And Trades, Dancers For Lovers, 333 Smith, Rach Jay Lovers, Hopes For Horses To Run. 

Rachel Wigsout: Class Whales:Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate horns of a goat. Tales to share, lessons in classes on the beach. Grass growing. Happy and blue flipping coins. Thanks for kids, tips on trips to hell, kindness and mercy shared. Lights on part of the time is dandy and fine.5151: 50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes: Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot. Slaves that are white. IS A PROFESSIONAL ADULT ENTERTAINER THAT HAS BEEN FEATURED IN OVER 180 ADULT FILMS.Smooching Frogs.Daily.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. I need to invest in some more friends...that was a fun joke while it lasted πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜΄Make Me Say it Again girl. Thanks for service,

5151: 50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes: American Veterans.🌍☯πŸ•‰πŸ’˜✌✌ πŸ‘πŸ”‘ ❤πŸ‘πŸ”‘Caribbean Queen (No More Love ... Attention Walmart Shoppers πŸ”Š.Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please Steers and queers - I'M THIRSTY FOR SOME KITTY JUICE - m4w 57 (VENTURA) casual encounters. 

Chicks, babes, dames, sisters of colors. 5151: 50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes: Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot.Slaves that are white. IS A PROFESSIONAL ADULT ENTERTAINER THAT HAS BEEN FEATURED IN OVER 180 ADULT FILMS.Attention Walmart Shoppers πŸ”Š.Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please Steers and queers - I'M THIRSTY FOR SOME KITTY JUICE - m4w 57 (VENTURA) casual encounters. 

Hollow Faces, Funny, Frogs In Masks, Treats, Trades, Silent Knights..Dinner dates, snakes to eat, meat on the table, white rites, white in the country, of knights in arms, guns and bears, knights in the woods.Solomon’s secret to success is this: refuse to honk your own horn.Community. Honor.Classes On American Birds:Owls, Eagle, Angels in host, daily events.


Not here today to throw names and numbers out for the sinners and the saints, in the hills of Riverside in California.Hands In Air, Birthday To USA, Lights To Shine, Red, White, And Blue.It feels like Spring is here already. Reasons to dance. Hello ol Girl, Yes, I M a senior, mid 70's, clean,older, white, NO smoke or drugs, drinks at din, like movies & popcorn,, not a churcher, but U can B,,,  dont dance, golf or bowl, work on my cars, have Nice Home & a bump cat.Just do not know if Santa Barbara is tooo far away???? I M N Pismo area...  widowed & HWP..............  JJTomorrow .

Attention Walmart Shoppers πŸ”Š.Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please Steers and queers - I'M THIRSTY FOR SOME KITTY JUICE - m4w 57 (VENTURA) casual encounters. 

Not asking for much, coins to flip, today, tomorrow, sometime this year.'Walking On Sunshine': cattle to run, races to rats, schools of hard knocks, dances in the rain. Senior to senior, 60 years or older, will do. As every woman , I am dreaming about finding a man whom I will be able to create family with, who will love me unconditionally and who will treat me as a real lady .

Love, lights, leaders, lessons, games to play, Happy Dazes, happy notes, tips and tales, lovers, haters, suckers, fuckers, frogs, donkeys for free rides. Stuck on stupid, stuck on slow, stuck on snakes, spiders and worms. American rites, read, whites, homeless blues, tales of kindness, tales of acts of hate, dicks, dawgs, donkeys, bald heads. Love, luck, lessons, coins to play, lights, on the beaches in Cali. Rotten apples, roots and trees, family affairs, lights on the retards, rednecks, rejects from NY.

Word of the mothers, word of the sisters of colors, words of the fathers. Happy Fathers Day. Love and luck, wives to come and go, hate for the mothers, fathers have taught, sinners and saints, bald heads, strangers to friends, friends to foes, rotten apples from NY. Hogs to ride, lots of luck, lots of love, lots of hate, hard to say, trips with dicks, dawgs, and donkeys to date. 

Hats and horns, love and hate, horns of goats, sheep and masses, plenty of fish in the seas. Roads to travel, trips to hell and back, trips on the bike, lots of laugh, strange views, sons in the air, lots of brown spots, tricks and trades, running with the winds.Attention Walmart Shoppers πŸ”Š.Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please Steers and queers - I'M THIRSTY FOR SOME KITTY JUICE - m4w 57 (VENTURA) casual encounters. 

Rights to reasons, songs to sing, how great, things are, and will be, hands to hold, hearts to heal, ways to help, dances in the street,coins, cons, cards, wishes on stars."Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.πŸ‚πŸƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸŒ²
Image result for Γ’¤Γ―¸  ~THE PROMISES~  Γ’¤Γ―¸ Γ°Ÿ™Γ°Ÿ’˜~MEN MAKE~Γ°Ÿ’˜Γ°Ÿ™ Γ’£Γ―¸Γ’œŒΓ―¸~BUT RARELY KEEP~Γ’œŒΓ―¸Γ’£Γ―¸.Boots on, made for walking, dances in the streets, glory dazes to come.
Rocks To Roll. Heads to roll, cages for snakes, spiders and worms, mud shots.Family affairs, nuts to grow, fools, frogs, freaks, horse and pony shows, how to beat the government.Leslie Bailey .You've just offended Smokey the Bear. And that's cause he is a bear? Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.STANDARD SET:Unconditionally.Reasons to dance.
Image result for Γ’¤Γ―¸Γ°Ÿ¥°~THE PROMISES~Γ°Ÿ¥°Γ’¤Γ―¸ Γ°Ÿ™Γ°Ÿ’˜~MEN MAKE~Γ°Ÿ’˜Γ°Ÿ™ Γ’£Γ―¸Γ’œŒΓ―¸~BUT RARELY KEEP~Γ’œŒΓ―¸Γ’£Γ―¸.Boots on, made for walking, dances in the streets, glory dazes to come.

Reasons to dance. Mountains, left to climb, roads to travel, paths to cross.The possibilities are endless for the things that I want. I just want a piece of the sky every day. Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present.πŸ‚πŸƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸŒ²
Rights to reasons, songs to sing, how great, things are, and will be, hands to hold, hearts to heal, ways to help, dances in the street,coins, cons, cards, wishes on stars."Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.πŸ‚πŸƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸŒ²

😏Snakes in Grass: Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box: Laughs Online: Gods and wars, Mars and Romans, Battles to win.Dust in the wind. 50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes: ️

MEMORY, MIND, MATTER:Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it is at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.Paths To Cross. 

As every woman , I am dreaming about finding a man whom I will be able to create family with, who will love me unconditionally and who will treat me as a real lady .Not asking for much, coins to flip, today, tomorrow, sometime this year.'Walking On Sunshine': cattle to run, races to rats, schools of hard knocks, dances in the rain. Senior to senior, 60 years or older, will do.

Large Frogs Nights: Dancers on the beach. With the lights on, you get labels, to tell you state of sex for a sport, or sex for a job, and sex for a suggest to the old farts.Rocks To Roll. Heads to roll, cages for snakes, spiders and worms, mud shots.Family affairs, nuts to grow, fools, frogs, freaks, horse and pony shows, how to beat the government.Leslie Bailey .You've just offended Smokey the Bear. And that's cause he is a bear? Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.STANDARD SET:Unconditionally.Reasons to dance.
Image result for Γ’¤Γ―¸Γ°Ÿ¥°~THE PROMISES~Γ°Ÿ¥°Γ’¤Γ―¸ Γ°Ÿ™Γ°Ÿ’˜~MEN MAKE~Γ°Ÿ’˜Γ°Ÿ™ Γ’£Γ―¸Γ’œŒΓ―¸~BUT RARELY KEEP~Γ’œŒΓ―¸Γ’£Γ―¸.Boots on, made for walking, dances in the streets, glory dazes to come.
Grandmother, got ran over by a cow, hog or raindeer, calls to make, bones in a box, day of the dead. Marlene, Mouth big, Jewish Wales, Grandmother, whale on land, teeth out, hare lost, cancers to start, over after death. Sheri Jarrot, mothers and fags, dykes and butches, bitches in heat, hats and cap worn, wigs to hide the horns.

Rights to reasons, songs to sing, how great, things are, and will be, hands to hold, hearts to heal, ways to help, dances in the street,coins, cons, cards, wishes on stars."Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.πŸ‚πŸƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸŒ²

MEMORY, MIND, MATTER:Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it is at work or with your family. 

Tales to be told, stories to be written, bumps in the road, Jewish Land Whales. Rach Jay and kid, goats and sheep, horns for hats, wigs for caps, coins to flip, cards to toss on the table, fingers in the air. Joys and pains, bumps in the road, spiders and snakes, Snake in the grass definition, a treacherous person, especially one who feigns and devotion...kindness...concern.....

Rachel Jarrot, and dates, kids to fuck, kids to tricks, tricks and trade, wigs and caps. Tricks and trades, wigs for cash, veterans to pay, pagers of cheaters, pagers of crooks, pages of lovers, pagers of hater. Tricks to trades, bags of shit, tin can affairs.Snake in the grass definition, a treacherous person, especially one who feigns and devotion...kindness...concern.....

Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text

Hidden Tips....Snake Masks: put another mask on for the seasons to come. Fairfax - Los Angeles, CA - Bands & Musicians | FacebookPrince Frog-Out of Pond In the end it is about what you ...Why do straight persons assume that their lifestyle is more ...Snake in the grass definition, a treacherous person, especially one who feigns and devotion...kindness...concern.....πŸ†πŸ’‹πŸ‘™BETRAYAL BONDS. 

A LITTLE ABOUT BETRAYAL BONDS.πŸ†πŸ’‹πŸ‘™ I was thinking of a book I read by Dr. Patrick Carnes about 20 years ago: And you can match that list perfectly except when you finally meet face to face in the real world all of that doesn't matter if there is no chemistry nor physical attraction. So one more time, woman for man, babe, bitch, fish, names and labels, across the decades, 6 to count, ages and numbers, stats do matter, stardards set to keep from falling, for the bumps in the road. Oh what a man, lion, tiger or bear, which one will you be. Take a chance, make a change, make a choice, daily events, music left to write. 420 to break ice is better for first meeting, it is my point of view, do you agree?

 Pages To Books.Hay For Horses, Grass To Smoke, Smiling Strangers, Friends To Come, Lovers, Haters, Suckers, Coins To Flip.Boats To Float, Dreams On The Land, Cali Dreamers: Knights Alone.History Happen, Memories Are Made, Pages To Books, Walks In The Park, Roads To Travel.Dream Knights, Hares Lost In The Winds, No Bald Heads, Sonny And Bright, Witty And Wise: Peter Pan In Real Life.Allen Hills: Waves On The Shore, Sunny And Bright, Balls In The Air: Summer Rites.

Image may contain: text

Steve Foster This would be a good humorous decoration on holoween. Place it somewhere with the same words on it, and a good light to help see it.Drive along Coast!! Music Food Internet .OH C.C.C.! Religion College Sex Drugs NameSports Work. MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY .Jumps for joy, jumps for families, jumps for foes in the hills, valleys and mountains climbed, lasting impressions, for a life or two.Community. 

Honor.Classes On American Birds:Owls, Eagle, Angels in host, daily events.
Hollow Faces, Funny, Frogs In Masks, Treats, Trades, Silent Knights..Dinner dates, snakes to eat, meat on the table, white rites, white in the country, of knights in arms, guns and bears, knights in the woods.Solomon’s secret to success is this: refuse to honk your own horn.Community. Honor.Classes On American Birds:Owls, Eagle, Angels in host, daily events.
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting and text

Steve Foster This would be a good humorous decoration on holoween. Place it somewhere with the same words on it, and a good light to help see it.Smooching Frogs.Daily.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. I need to invest in some more friends...that was a fun joke while it lasted πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜΄Make Me Say it Again girl. Thanks for service, hands to hold, houses and homes, homeless nightmares, veterans on the streets.

Cambodian Kea Khiev - Silent Knights, Castles In The Sands ...
Born on days out of stupid brains,got day old stupid brains, instead.I Bought A Friend Off Craigslist -I love beef curtains. the bigger the better. do you qualify? if so email me asap.Cambodian Kea Khiev: I'm a really zany, clever person. I am gender neutral which is why I don't say I'm a clever man or woman. I'm a clever PERSON.Cards to read.

Honor.Classes On American Birds:Owls, Eagle, Angels in host, daily events.

Hollow Faces, Funny, Frogs In Masks, Treats, Trades, Silent Knights..Dinner dates, snakes to eat, meat on the table, white rites, white in the country, of knights in arms, guns and bears, knights in the woods.Solomon’s secret to success is this: refuse to honk your own horn.Community. Honor.Classes On American Birds:Owls, Eagle, Angels in host, daily events.

Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.. πŸ’–πŸŸπŸŸ Plenty of fish in the sea .Celine Tam and Shila Amzah - Let It Go.Over the dicks, dawgs, white cows on land, faces in asses, faces in the sands of time.Oh hi there 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜‹But it's back to reality today πŸ™„πŸ˜ŸπŸ₯°Super sexy, like nobody else.Don't you recognize me?, my name , don't walk on by,. Rain keeps falling , rain keeps falling down, down 

Non profit to create, blue oceans of dreams, hands to help, ways to grow, classes online, degrees to get, pages to book, heads in the clouds. The next step. SHOCKING.BLACK LIVES MATTER:..Temecula Valley Toyota - Toyota, Used Car Dealer, Service Center .πŸ˜„Never argue with stupid people. - Mark Twain: unfuckwithable:Lots of love, lots of sunny dazes to come, hands to hold, hands to hearts, hands to hard knocks, schools to attend.

Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.
 Twist, spin, and make believable the lies. That's today's Politics. NO! Time to listen, laugh and win πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜ŠπŸ‡΅πŸ‡°πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water, plenty of fish in the seas.Just saying.James Bush : Trades Up:.the stars are talking to me tonight πŸ’« It's about that time!! Treats Energy πŸ‚ πŸ’¦:πŸŽƒ πŸŽƒπŸ΅ πŸ’ͺshared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls.

.πŸ˜„Never argue with stupid people. - Mark Twain: unfuckwithable:Lots of love, lots of sunny dazes to come, hands to hold, hands to hearts, hands to hard knocks, schools to attend.

Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.

 Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.. πŸ’–πŸŸπŸŸ Plenty of fish in the sea .Celine Tam and Shila Amzah - Let It Go.Over the dicks, dawgs, white cows on land, faces in asses, faces in the sands of time.Oh hi there 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜‹But it's back to reality today πŸ™„πŸ˜ŸπŸ₯°Super sexy, like nobody else.Don't you recognize me?, my name , don't walk on by,. Rain keeps falling , rain keeps falling down, down .Don’t forget to add baddest when you calling me a bitch 😈
 Twist, spin, and make believable the lies. That's today's Politics. NO! Time to listen, laugh and win πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜ŠπŸ‡΅πŸ‡°πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water, plenty of fish in the seas.Just saying.James Bush : Trades Up:.the stars are talking to me tonight πŸ’« It's about that time!! Treats Energy πŸ‚ πŸ’¦:πŸŽƒ πŸŽƒπŸ΅ πŸ’ͺshared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls.

.πŸ˜„Never argue with stupid people. - Mark Twain: unfuckwithable:Lots of love, lots of sunny dazes to come, hands to hold, hands to hearts, hands to hard knocks, schools to attend.Don’t forget to add baddest when you calling me a bitch 😈

Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count.Don’t forget to add baddest when you calling me a bitch 😈

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