Thursday, February 4, 2021

Notes of news, history for some, pages to books.

Enough For The Charmed, Dicks Out Of Box,Haters And Lovers, Hats And Wigs, Fucks 4 Life.Snakes in the grass, snakes in the sands, snakes in tales of dicks and dogs, thanks so much. Like the picture....In your dreams, late at night, listen for the dawn of the dead, stars fallen.Notes of news, history for some, pages to books.
Ready for What?Pilar Dsilvas' Blog,Bats Out Of Hell.Strangers To Friends.
Ready for What?Pilar Dsilvas' Blog,Bats Out Of Hell.Strangers To Friends.
You have to be careful who you befriend these days.I almost couldn't sleep last night . INDEPENDENT WOMEN ðŸ‘ŒðŸŒŸI don't speak because I hav...

  True love is not known by what is required....but for what it offers....Thanks so much.Monkeys,5151: Made in America .Gods and wars, Mars and Romans, Battles to win, coins to flip. Tales of kings, tales of love at first sight, something stuck in your eye?Black Male Image,It's Still Rock and Roll To Me Billy Joel-Lyrics.Daily Events, Rebirths And Let's Go Somewhere !!

New dawns, new mornings of peace and love to share, ways to be happy and gay for a lifetime, life without colors or labels for blacks and whites, turning the pages again and again on a better dazes. Morning rainbows back to dreams, wishes, and prayers, granted to the lost, lonely, confused and lost, family, friends and foes, equal to pain and hurt, the same joys and happiness for the season. Seasons greetings, and may the best year yet, just part of the morning rainbows after the rain.  Veterans, PTSD: Disneyland:Land Of Nightmares: Head Counts, Rats, Roaches,Retards, Rejects: Nazi Police: Dances With Rite Gloves. Disneyland: Jackasses, Cartoon Hits. Suckers 4 Free.

Never finished, now it's gone. Hope you guys still like it.All we need is LOVE. Shades worn in black, read and white, sinners, saints, snakes in the grass, face in the shadows.Sheri Gerstein Jarrot, Cattle calls, suckers for love, lust, lessons, family affairs, heads to count.Nights online, back in time, tricked and pimped, for love and devotions, circles of wolves in the woods.

 'FRIENDLY REMINDER THE HOLOCAUST WAS LEGAL SLAVERY WAS LEGAL SEGREGATION WAS LEGAL HIDING JEWS WAS CRIMINALIZED FREE SLAVES.Pennies more, not pennies less always best. Pennies, nickels, dimes with dollars for the rest.Cups filled, cups running over daily quest , seven times.

Good looking, whale on land,  guy without a dick, big mouth open wide, history of life in an RV, rolling alone. Steven Jay Jarrot, barter for more, trade for better, tricks, trades, crook, cheater, liar.If you like If you’re an attractive woman that enjoys being licked by a nice white guy then I’m here for you. Race not an issue.

While You Were Sleep, Fairy Tales Recaps, Witches, Fairies, Pixies.  Sheri Gerstein Jarrot, Cattle calls, suckers for love, lust, lessons, family affairs, heads to count.


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Seasons of joy and happiness to share forever. I cum in peace, I leave in joy for the season of happiness, forgiven and new faces to changes in place for the new year.Veterans, PTSD: Disneyland:Land Of Nightmares: Head Counts, Rats, Roaches,Retards, Rejects: Nazi Police: Dances With Rite Gloves. Disneyland: Jackasses, Cartoon Hits. Suckers 4 Free.

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Sheri Gerstein Jarrot, what the fuck, cattle calls, freaks, frogs, fools, family affairs.

Faces, Views, Noses 2.Coins To Toss, Frogs, Fish, Facts, Freaks Out In Knights, Dicks, Dawgs, ... Snakes in grass, nightmares, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides, faces in shit ... Eyes Open, Grow Up, Get Wise: Songs to sing, glory dazes done, rules to. Cute .OVERVIEW.Every mind is its own world.

Hopes, wishes, dreams in motions, hands in the air, pray today, live larges, live and learn, live and grow. Need a little help, to take the next step, schools of hard knocks, pages to go.Monkeys,5151: Made in America .Gods and wars, Mars and Romans, Battles to win, coins to flip. Tales of kings, tales of love at first sight, something stuck in your eye?

May be an image of 1 person
Notes of news, history for some, pages to books.

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