Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Cheers and chaps, heads up, out of the sands. Kings and knights, songs of veterans, homeless blues, tricks and trades, for the light of day.

 A Thought is a Cosmic Order waiting to Happen~ Stephen Richards, Firebirds in the air, moves made, great crew to act the parts. Hits amd misses, songs to sing, good times online to share. Thanks, goodnight fairies, hopes and wishes, fish and frogs, life on the water, rocks and waves, dancing on the shores.

Love and lights, dances for rites, faces to views, hopes in hand. , good times, fish and frogs. The lady in the water, people just like you, in other colors.Cheers and chaps, heads up, out of the sands. Kings and knights, songs of veterans, homeless blues, tricks and trades, for the light of day.

  • :
    NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Lovers .Trump may be an evil bigot but it’s important to remember he’s also the dumbest person alive.Concur? Veterans Taken. 
     Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please Franky Tree, Being called ugly won't hurt you if you already know you ugly. I'm good where I am: Perfect Or Note, Noses Online, Dances On Cloud Nine. Blue States Of Reasons.Trump may be an evil bigot but it’s important to remember he’s also the dumbest person alive.Concur?
    NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Lovers .Trump may be an evil bigot but it’s important to remember he’s also the dumbest person alive.Concur? Veterans Taken. 

    Roads To Travel, Paths To Cross, To Grow, To Expand, Heads Above Common.
    Noses Online, Dances On Cloud Nine. Blue States Of Reasons.Trump may be an evil bigot but it’s important to remember he’s also the dumbest person alive.Concur?

Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.HOLY CRAP"CENTURY CREDIT GROUP:Shit Happens..."Let's Make a Deal". Not doing normal by the book, crazy for a fee, laughing all the way to the bank, paying bills by phone, common event in the world, in the blue, out of the red, into the black, views, voices, values, coins to flip.

Gifts to share, words to write the stories of the veterans,for the cash on the table, help with the paperwork in Long Beach, CA. Good times, and help for the lost, confused and homeless veterans, still couch surfing for better credit, and dazes days doing the horse and pony shows.

 Silent Knights, Frogs, Spiders And Snakes In The Grass. Sexy, Fit, And Fab, Sirens: Books To Read, Leaders, Lessons, Learners, Heads To Count, Earth Angels, Hosts To Greet. Beaches and Dreams: Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars .EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT. NO FRIKEN FLAKES..


Sarah Jarrot 
James Cantz ,The Fellowship Of The Line Cooks. 'You call it OCD. I call it put the shit back where you found it'.

Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.HOLY CRAP"CENTURY CREDIT GROUP:Shit Happens..."Let's Make a Deal". Not doing normal by the book, crazy for a fee, laughing all the way to the bank, paying bills by phone, common event in the world, in the blue, out of the red, into the black, views, voices, values, coins to flip.

Peter Pans, and the tall, dark, and shady man in the bright lights, the joker swinging in the wind, the funny and the furry, the sad and the blue man out tonight?
Classic Film Reaction GIF
Good morning. Love Under a Stormy Sky There is nothing quite like a coastal winter storm. A stormy sky unleashing a powerful, windy and wet display is fantastic entertainment, whether you watch from warm shelter or from outdoors in the center of the action.

I don't want to participate in a this model of society which has made more importance to money than life. I'm here to live. I'm not here to increase gross national product nor to pay debts your government incurred.
Creator, when there is something that resonates within your heart than that is what your spirit hungers for.Lessons Daily, Rites To Reasons, Glory Dazes.Hello Texas . Can't wait to be back home .JewJew jew go back to hell.

Make it a great day!Gifts to share, words to write the stories of the veterans,for the cash on the table, help with the paperwork in Long Beach, CA. Good times, and help for the lost, confused and homeless veterans, still couch surfing for better credit, and dazes days doing the horse and pony shows.

Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.HOLY CRAP"CENTURY CREDIT GROUP:Shit Happens..."Let's Make a Deal". Not doing normal by the book, crazy for a fee, laughing all the way to the bank, paying bills by phone, common event in the world, in the blue, out of the red, into the black, views, voices, values, coins to flip.

 I CAN'T PROMISE TO BE HERE Far the rest can promise to love LOVE, DAD But your rest mine'.Family and Friends Y'all have a blessed day. Ain't nobody's business if I do:Waves to be made, tips, tales, wishes on stars. Don’t Be Cruel. Breaking the Silence :Understand Normal Thinking! Cheers And Chaps, American Veterans .4 WORDS: old enough to consent.

 Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space.

Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time.WELCOME NEW COMERS. WE ARE GROWING EACH DAY.
Shit Happen, Hard Knocks Schools, Lessons Learned. Dances In Darkness, Black And White.Let’s do it!!!!

We certainly don't have to agree or like everyone but we should be mature enough to be a decent human being to all of society.To end: effects never dies on one hand and no on the other hand: define as next opportunity, turning the page and moving forward.
May be an image of text that says 'marijuana is safer than relatives'

First in lines, family and friends, strangers to note, views online, thanks for the picture, of the love, luck, lights, on in the whites, blacks, and blues folks. Thanks so much. Nice shot, fun and games, notes to share, stories of the franks and beans, dinner time, looks and charms to spare. Cheers and chaps, heads up, out of the sands. Kings and knights, songs of veterans, homeless blues, tricks and trades, for the light of day.

Games online, out of my world, not my way to kill time, Jo Gamble, notes to share, written stories of the frogs, snakes and worms, out of mind, out of state of blues. NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti.

IT IS A SCAMDEMIC PEOPLE !The journey is what brings us happiness. Not the destination. Enjoy the journey.The one that writes the stories rules.Joys and pains, dances by the pool, sons to shine, heads above the common. Ways to grow, expand, and explore, words in waves, salads, in groups, counting heads, good time toads.

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