5151:'Spruce Power, ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:I'm not.Tips And Tales: Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out…I was MISTAKEN’.
Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
'Christmas isn't about Santa or Jesus.
5151:'Spruce Power, ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:I'm not.Tips And Tales: Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out…I was MISTAKEN’.
"I'm a human. You're a human. Hey, look at that. We have something in common, right? I need friends. I'm desperate. Please."
"I'm a human. You're a human. Hey, look at that. We have something in common, right? I need friends. I'm desperate. Please."Pure and Simple. Death Valley. REAL TALK, REAL CHANGE.CHEAP TRICKS, BUTCHES, BITCHES IN HEAT. HOLE IN THE WALL, SOUTH AFRICA.
5151:'Spruce Power, ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:I'm not.Tips And Tales: Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out…I was MISTAKEN’.
"I'm a human. You're a human. Hey, look at that. We have something in common, right? I need friends. I'm desperate. Please."
Pier Walks At Sunset, Huntington Beach, Ca.
Sunsets under the trees, on the beach, for the sky to fhange colors. At the end of dazes on earth, daily events the sun goes not, every day, different time. Joy to the world, peace on earth, good wills, hands out to lend a hand, bring a smile on dark moments, a little joy to spread.
Gifts for Veterans: Pieces of a dream, notes to share, of the good times, the sad times, and the bumps in the road. Happy and delighted for the gifts to share, with the words written of the times and periods on the cross, the men and women of the military. Stories, tales, and treats for the young, hope for the earth angels, the saints and the sinners, gifts to view the tales and the stories.
Who will write the stories for the cash on the table?
Moons To Shine,Spirit Dance by Wabimeguil (Betty Albert-Lincez): Kings, Sunny And Bright, Beaches To Walk . *Drops hints. Silent Knights, Sunny, Bright, Witty, Retired, Tall, Heads above the crowds.
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