Friday, April 24, 2020

In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.Time to stop, stand still, listen to the songs in the winds, good times, god ties, great dazes on the right side of the grave.All days are beautiful if the mood is good.

Jokes on the fools and blogs about the snakes in the grass.Steven Jarrot, Notes Of Nuts,Normal, Weird, Strange, Family members, experts cum suckers, tricks to trade. Donkeys in hills, monkeys on trees, jokes online.Magic Blue Moon Madness: πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’ŽπŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’—WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE.

Today im Sharing alil Backwards... Questions One May ask SELF Consider While Reading. Smiles and Blessings Ms.Tamu Martin...Laughter Rocks.. Benjamin.Disneyland passes, strangers to friends. Sunday events? Get ahold of me I want my Conga backOnce Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.πŸ˜ŽπŸŒ΄πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠAngels Calls,Illuminati Exposed.Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. Water and rocks, songs on the rocks and the waves, ships of dreams to sails.

Watch out what you get for free, everything has a price, check out the goods, check out the words used, check the issues from top to bottom.Adulterers - Movie (Full)... Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS EASIER TO SEE. Steven Jarrot,WELL HELLO. Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Battles And Guns, Shots To The Heart, Mouth, Faces Of Snakes In Grass.

Wits and wisdom, walks in the park, battles and wars, lovers in the walks of life. Good times, Marines and babbles of freaks, devil mad dogs, tricks with gun, rats to races, gifts of life to share, over time, over space, pages to turn.

I'm Cool as Fucc, Funny as hell and ah Go getter. I'm Smart, Caring & Thugged out like ah mf. Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle, frogs, freaks, and fish in the seas, lots of laughs, faces in the herds. Jackasses, in other words, in all shades of people.I wish I lived on a beach πŸ˜­πŸ˜πŸŒŠ.Views shared with strangers to friends, woman for man, the shadows in the lights, at the end of the day.

Still Waters 2 Run. Dances. Reality is better ... Peek-a-Boo... I miss you!!! πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ’•❤️πŸ’‹ #momlife, grown kids, still in schools, trades to learn, how to live the good life..He records sounds made by every imaginable source, detectable or not to the human ear.

THINGS IN COMMON. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions:Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Stupid can not be fixed. cured or traded. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. It might be argued that Adam and Eve WERE the first humans, but they certainly WAS not the first humans.

Free riders, donkeys, dicks, and dawgs to date, fat and wide, bald heads, lots of charms, in the layers of skin.I do care about you. I just want more than this. You may ask?People Who Just Realized They’re Dating An Absolute Idiot.....Frogs, freaks, and snakes in the grass, working for free, sluts, slugs, dicks, and dawgs, ways to go. 

Today im Sharing alil Backwards... Questions One May ask SELF Consider While Reading. Smiles and Blessings Ms.Tamu Martin...Laughter Rocks.. Benjamin.Disneyland passes, strangers to friends. Sunday events? Get ahold of me I want my Conga backOnce Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.πŸ˜ŽπŸŒ΄πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠAngels Calls,Illuminati Exposed.Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. Water and rocks, songs on the rocks and the waves, ships of dreams to sails.

Watch out what you get for free, everything has a price, check out the goods, check out the words used, check the issues from top to bottom.Adulterers - Movie (Full)... Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS EASIER TO SEE. Steven Jarrot,WELL HELLO. Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Battles And Guns, Shots To The Heart, Mouth, Faces Of Snakes In Grass.

Watch out what you get for free, everything has a price, check out the goods, check out the words used, check the issues from top to bottom.Adulterers - Movie (Full)... Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS EASIER TO SEE. Steven Jarrot,WELL HELLO. Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Battles And Guns, Shots To The Heart, Mouth, Faces Of Snakes In Grass.

Queen Of England, Cuban Transplants:Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides. Angels in the heavens, angels here on earth, ...


Wits and wisdom, walks in the park, battles and wars, lovers in the walks of life. Good times, Marines and babbles of freaks, devil mad dogs, tricks with gun, rats to races, gifts of life to share, over time, over space, pages to turn.
Happy happy happy birthday to you have a swell wonderful Bless'd...U're slowly easing those numbers up. With this mission accomplished what's next on your agenda Penny. HAPPY B-Day..City officials say a row of tamarisk trees between a black neighborhood and a city golf course will be removed.People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!
  Just Saying.Excuses And Assholes, Things We Have In Common. Rites To Reasons, Seasons.What beef? words, in waves, pigs, hogs, hoes, faces in the herd. Sheep And Goats, Dances With Wolves.3 ... - Golden Calf.    What beef? Sheep And Goats, Dances With Wolves.3 ... - Golden Calf › 2019/08 Sheep and goats, tales of lovers, tales of donkeys and sluts for free rides. Jewish Wales on the beaches.Stats to share, dead veterans every day 22 daily counts: 

 In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.Time to stop, stand still, listen to the songs in the winds, good times, god ties, great dazes on the right side of the grave.All days are beautiful if the mood is good.

Lil whoresπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Freaks, franks, and beans, cum to go, cum to lose, wasted cum for the kids of franks.πŸ˜‚Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams, Blue Kings, Knights, Back in Time. People Who Just Realized They’re Dating An Absolute Idiot.....

Frogs, freaks, and snakes in the grass, working for free, sluts, slugs, dicks, and dawgs, ways to go.  In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.Time to stop, stand still, listen to the songs in the winds, good times, god ties, great dazes on the right side of the grave.All days are beautiful if the mood is good.

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